Stand Up by Laura Ingram

Thirteen-year-old “Soccer-Sarah” faces intense and unrelenting bullying every day at school. Fighting cancer, enduring the rigors of chemotherapy and the resulting nausea and hair loss, bracing against painful spinal taps, and railing against the limitations caused by physical weakness threaten to take her down. But Sarah is determined to grow, flourish, and prove she can be normal, and once again play soccer, the central focus of her life before cancer. Raging against bullying, she starts an online support group for kids who, like her, are the brunt of malicious badgering, urging them to Stand Up to ignorance and abuse.
Published by Nesting Tree Books, an imprint of Raven Publishing, developed for publishing the work of young authors, helping them learn about how the book industry works, encouraging them to write, and letting their voices be heard. 


2018 Paperback 124 pages ISBN: 978-1-937849-95-5
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